Feeling the winter blues? The cold weather and shorter days can take a toll on your immune system, but don’t worry! Today I want to share with you 5 easy tips to strengthen your immunity and vitality:
Maintain A Healthy Diet: Eating a diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains can provide your body with the nutrients it needs for optimal immunity function.
Stay Physically Active: Moving your body every day enhances your mood and helps you sleep better. Regular physical activity, like walking, can help fortify your defenses against winter illness.
Quit Smoking: Smoking makes the body less successful when fighting diseases, making it important to kick that habit to the curb. It increases the risk of having immune issues.
Avoid Excessive Alcohol: It is important if you do choose to drink to only drink a moderate amount (2 drinks a day for men and 1 for women). Excessive alcohol use over time weakens the immune system.
Get Enough Sleep: There is scientific evidence that shows sleep loss has negative effects on your immune system and can also lead to the development of a wide variety of disorders.
By following these simple and easy tips every day, you can help strengthen your immune system and thrive throughout the winter season.
At Tru, we want to provide you with the tools you need to help you on your healing journey. That is why we have immune boosting IV therapy options:
Experience the revitalizing effects of reintroducing oxygenated blood into your bloodstream, thus purifying it and increasing resistance against infection.
A combination of the perfect blend of nutrients, including vitamin B complex. Improves energy, reduces inflammation, and improves digestive issues.
This water-soluble vitamin improves concentration, mood, energy, and recovery from illness.
Known as the “sunshine vitamin,” this fat-soluble vitamin is vital for your cardiovascular system and mood stability. It also boosts your immune system.
Give your liver a detox. Dubbed the ultimate antioxidant, this oxidizes threatening free radicals and excretes them from the body. Enhancing immune function and decreasing tissue inflammation.
Our mission at Tru is to be your guide through your healing journey. Ready to embrace winter wellness? Contact us or come in today to learn more about our immune-boosting services.