What do you think it means to be superhuman? To us, it means feeling unstoppable, waking up energized, and ready to live your best life every single day. That all sounds great, but how do you achieve it?
Enter the Super Human Protocol — the most recent health trend that all high-performing athletes are trying. It harnesses the power of magnetism, oxygen, and light to train at your peak; restoring order in your body. Everything works in a synergistic response, bringing ancient wisdom to modern technology.
Here are the steps to become the best verion of you and become superhuman:
Step 1: Magnetism
Lay back on a Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) mat, to raise the energy in your cells. This helps them absorb more nutrients and oxygen.
Step 2: Oxygen
Workout with an oxygen mask to superoxygenate your body. Your cells are more receptive to oxygen due to the magnetism, creating an oxygen-rich environment in your body.
Step 3: Light
Photo-Biomodulation Therapy (PBMT) or red light therapy is used to charge your cells. Photons are delivered to your damaged cells giving them more energy and making them healthier and more stable.
But wait what about the Tru Advantage? We added two more steps to help you reach peak performance:
Step 2.5: Cold Plunge
Before your light therapy, we suggest you take a cold plunge. This will accelerate your metabolism and boost your mood and focus.
Step 4: Loop Brain
The final step is to take your wellness journey home with our Loop Brain Health neurofeedback and brain mapping. It’s like a personal trainer for your brain, boosting your brain health and improving mental clarity.
This is how we were meant to feel every day. Superhuman. We have become comfotable not living to our full potential, not having energy, but you can find a new normal with the superhuman protocol.
At Tru, we strive to bring you the most innovative services to guide you on your healing journey. Come in today and experience the Ultimate Tru Human Protocol for yourself.