Getting Started
Just 3 simple steps away!
Congratulations! You’re 3 simple steps away from experiencing the healing power of Tru Functional Health! We’re excited to become part of your journey. Please follow the 3 steps below and plan on spending ~10 minutes completing the New Patient Forms.

Make an Appointment
Click here to make an appointment online!
OR… give us a call @ 585-426-8969

Complete New Patient Forms
Complete the following New Patient forms online:
please complete all that apply
Toxicity Quiz
IHP Health Intake Form
Ozone UBI IV Intake Form
Nutritional IV Intake Form
High Dose Vitamin-C IV Intake Form
HOCATT New Patient Form
HBOT New Patient Form
Sauna Consent Form
Halotherapy Vitality Booth Release and Waiver of Liability

Come On In!
We’ll see you for your appointment at Suite 109, 16 North Goodman Street, Rochester, NY.