
The Healing Power of Hydrogen

Hydrogen is one of nature’s most powerful elements, but did you know about its healing capabilities? Incorporating molecular hydrogen into your healing journey through inhalation or hydrogen-infused water can bring incredible results. Here’s how it can help you:...

5 Benefits of Fresh Air

Isn’t it great how a breath of fresh air can make you feel so much better? Everyone feels happier when they can spend time outside. Regardless of the weather,  take advantage of the outdoors.  With the winter behind us, let’s all focus on going outside and getting a...

PNOĒ Now at Tru!

Start your journey to peak health and wellness with our new partners at PNOĒ Breath Analysis! Have you been curious about our services but don’t know where to start? PNOĒ is the guide you are looking for, leading you every step of the way to your TRU-healthy self! Now...

Live a Heart Healthy Life

Let’s take a moment to recognize heart health awareness month. Did you know that nearly 1 in 2 adults have high blood pressure? Yet, only 1 in 4 have it under control. At Tru, we are dedicated to empowering you to take control of your heart health. Below are 5...

Your Red Light Therapy Guide

Did you know that the incredible benefits of red light therapy have been known for over 50 years? In the 1960s, a Hungarian physician found that red lasers led to hair growth and wound healing in rats. Red light was studied because it increases the energy inside human...